martes, 10 de marzo de 2015

The Delaware Tribe

New post!

The Delaware Tribe is also known as the Lenape Tribe or Lenni Lenape Tribe which means ''the true people''. The Delaware nation was the first to sign a treaty with the new United States.

The Delaware Indians lived in the zones of New Jersey, Delaware, New York and Pennsylvania and were relocated by the English to Oklahoma. This people were farmers, hunters and fishmen.

This tribe is organized in two federally recognized Lenape Tribe in Oklahoma:
  • The Delaware Tribe of Indians 
  • The Delaware Tribe of Western Oklahoma

Each tribe has its own government and laws but of course they are American citizens.

The Lenape language is known as Unami. There are beautiful words in this language like wanishi (''thank you'') or mpi ("water").

In the past, the Lenape Tribe didn't live in teepes, they lived in villages of round houses called wigwams, some villages were palisaded too. 

The people of this tribe painted their faces with different colours and designs for different occasions, and the men often wore tattoos in animal design. The women wore their hair in long braids and the men wore a mohak hairstyle. 

The art of this tribe is the beadwork and baskery. They are well-known for the wampum out of white and purple shell beads. The design and pictures of this type of art often told a story or represented a person's family. 

Nowadays there are different events about the Delaware Indians's history, language, this one:

In addittion if you want to know more about this tribe they also have a web site:

Lapich knewel! (I will see you soon! in Lenape language)


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